Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Thoughts on "A Lasting Impression"

“A Lasting Impression,” (Oct. 5, 2010), a narrative written by Debra Anderson, explores  Anderson’s memories of her mother’s struggle with alcoholism that ultimately lead to her death.  Anderson  develops the narrative by telling the reader of her mother’s difficult childhood and adulthood, which she thinks lead to her mother’ s addiction to alcohol.  Anderson’s purpose is to show how earlier issues not dealt with could lead one to develop an addiction. Her hope is that others may listen to her story, in order to stop themselves or someone they know from following in her mother’s footsteps.  Anderson addresses those who may be struggling with an addiction or those who may be dealing with someone with an addiction.

My heart goes out to Anderson.  Even though the story only gives the reader a few examples of what her mother had to endure because of her alcoholism, I can only imagine what Anderson had to go through.  Alcoholism does not only affect the life of the person who is an alcoholic, but also the entire family, especially the children.  Hearing the stories of Anderson’s mother is a little depressing, but it helps the reader to understand the steps that more than likely lead to her addiction to alcohol.

Anderson’s view of her mother is not only as an alcoholic, but also as someone who made an extremely strong impression on her life. Instead of thinking less of her mother because of her addiction, she shows the reader two sides of her mother’s life.  She was once a beautiful and successful woman who ultimately falls to the dreadful disease of alcoholism.  Anderson reminds the reader that her mother was more than just an alcoholic, her, ‘’amazing strength, generosity and love,” as Anderson remembers, “gives me the courage to proceed forward in whatever life has in store for me.”

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