Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Thoughts on "The Deer at Providencia"


“The Deer at Providencia”(1982), by Annie Dillard, is a literary narrative which explores the concept of suffering.  Dillard’s wish in the narrative is to figure out why suffering exist in nature.  Dillard develops her essay by describing events in which suffering has taken place.  Her intended purpose  is to make humans examine the existence of suffering in the world.

     Dillard’s essay was a difficult for me to follow.  Though I understood the point she was trying to make the reader grasp, I was a little lost while reading her narrative.  She uses alot of subtle imagery throughout  the text that made it difficult for me to catch.  When Dillard breaks off from the image of the deer suffering in the Amazon and trys to link it with a burn victim in Boston, she completely lost me.

     The beginning of the text was very descriptive and graphic when descriping the state of the deer.  Towards the end, the tone of the story seems to become more general, and not as precise.  The text seems to be very subtle and abstract.  Trying to constantly find the hidden message made it hard to grasp the effect the writer was trying to convey.  


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